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Policy Centre

Ethics Policy

At, we firmly believe that ethical behaviour is the cornerstone of our success and reputation. Our company ethics policy outlines the guiding principles and standards that every employee, contractor, and stakeholder is expected to uphold. These principles reflect our commitment to conducting business with integrity, fairness, and respect for all individuals and the environment.

We are committed to full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in every jurisdiction where we operate. This includes, but is not limited to, laws related to labor, environmental protection, data privacy, and anti-corruption.

We expect all individuals associated with our company to act with honesty and integrity in all business dealings. This includes being truthful, transparent, and forthright in our communications and interactions.

We promote fair competition and expect our employees and partners to compete in a manner that adheres to fair business practices. Unethical practices, such as price-fixing, collusion, and anti-competitive behaviour, are strictly prohibited.

We value diversity and inclusion in our workplace and respect the rights, dignity, and individuality of every person. Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other characteristic will not be tolerated.

We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and promoting sustainability. This includes conserving resources, reducing waste, and complying with environmental laws and regulations.


We are dedicated to protecting the privacy and security of personal and sensitive information entrusted to us. We comply with data protection laws and have robust data security measures in place.

Employees and stakeholders are expected to avoid situations where their personal interests could conflict with the interests of the company. When such conflicts arise, they must be disclosed promptly.

We encourage individuals to report any unethical behaviour, violations of this ethics policy, or concerns regarding legal compliance through our confidential whistleblower reporting mechanisms. We are committed to protecting whistleblowers from retaliation.

We are committed to being responsible corporate citizens and actively engaging in initiatives that benefit society. We support charitable and community endeavours to contribute positively to the communities where we operate.

We are committed to the continuous improvement of our ethical practices. We regularly review and update this ethics policy to ensure it remains aligned with our values and evolving ethical standards.At, ethics are not just a set of rules but a fundamental part of our culture. We are dedicated to upholding these principles in all our business activities. By doing so, we contribute to our success and the well-being of our employees, partners, and the communities we serve.

Date: 01/01/2024

Violations of this ethics policy may result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment or contractual relationships, as well as legal consequences when appropriate.

Health & Safety Policy

At, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees, contractors, and visitors. Our workplace health and safety policy outlines our dedication to ensuring the well-being of individuals involved in our operations, with a specific focus on the critical aspect of working at height, especially on blue roofs. This policy is guided by applicable laws and regulations, industry best practices, and our commitment to preventing accidents and injuries.

1.1. Leadership Commitment:

- Company leadership is dedicated to providing the necessary resources and support to maintain a safe working environment.

1.2. Employee Involvement:

- All employees are encouraged to actively participate in health and safety initiatives, report hazards, and contribute to a culture of safety.

1.3. Supervisors and Managers:

- Supervisors and managers are responsible for ensuring that safe work practices are followed, providing necessary training, and addressing safety concerns promptly.

2.1. Risk Assessment:

- Before commencing any work at height on blue roofs, a comprehensive risk assessment must be conducted to identify hazards and implement appropriate control measures.

2.2. Training and Certification:

- All individuals working at height on blue roofs must undergo specific training and certification for safe work practices, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and fall prevention systems.

2.3. Fall Prevention Systems:

- Fall prevention systems, such as guardrails, safety nets, and personal fall arrest systems, must be in place and properly maintained when working at height on blue roofs.

2.4. Safe Access and Egress:

- Safe access points to and from blue roofs must be established and maintained. Individuals should not access blue roofs without proper authorisation.

2.5. Equipment Inspection:

- All equipment used for working at height on blue roofs, including ladders and anchors, must be regularly inspected for safety and functionality.

2.6. Emergency Response:

- Adequate emergency response procedures and rescue plans must be in place in case of incidents or accidents involving individuals working at height.

3.1. Incident Reporting:

- Any incidents, near misses, or safety concerns related to working at height on blue roofs must be reported immediately to supervisors or management.

3.2. Investigation:

- Thorough investigations will be conducted to identify the root causes of incidents and implement corrective actions to prevent their recurrence3


4.1. Legal Compliance:

- We are committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to workplace health and safety, including working at height on blue roofs.

4.2. Continuous Improvement:

- We continuously evaluate and improve our health and safety policies and practices to ensure the highest level of protection for all individuals working at height.

At, safety is our top priority. We believe that accidents and injuries are preventable, and through our collective efforts and commitment to this workplace health and safety policy, we will create a safer working environment, especially when working at height on blue roofs. Our goal is to ensure that everyone returns home safely every day.

Date: 01/01/2024

Diversity & Inclusion Policy

At, we recognise that diversity is not just a social virtue but a strategic asset. We are committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse workplace where all employees, regardless of their backgrounds, identities, or perspectives, feel valued, empowered, and have equal opportunities to thrive. This diversity policy outlines our commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our organisation.

1.1. Equal Opportunity:

- We provide equal employment opportunities for all individuals regardless of race, colour, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or any other protected characteristic.

1.2. Inclusive Workplace:

- We strive to create an inclusive workplace culture that values and respects the diversity of our employees. We embrace differences and believe that they enrich our organisation.

1.3. Recruitment and Hiring:

- We are committed to diverse recruitment and hiring practices. We actively seek to attract a broad range of candidates and select the best talent based on merit.

1.4. Training and Development:

- We provide ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure that all employees have the tools and resources needed to succeed and advance within the organisation.

1.5. Respect and Dignity:

- We expect all employees to treat one another with respect and dignity, fostering a culture of mutual respect and consideration.

1.6. Reporting Mechanisms:

- We maintain reporting mechanisms for employees to report any instances of discrimination, harassment, or bias. Reports will be treated confidentially and with urgency.

1.7. Accountability:

- We hold all employees accountable for promoting diversity and inclusion in their interactions and decision-making processes.

1.8. Supplier and Contractor Diversity:

- We encourage diversity in our supplier and contractor relationships, actively seeking partnerships with diverse-owned businesses.

1.9. Community Engagement:

- We engage with our local communities to support and promote diversity and inclusion initiatives, reflecting our commitment beyond our workplace.

1.10. Continuous Improvement:

- We are committed to continuously improving our diversity and inclusion efforts. We regularly assess and refine our practices to create a more inclusive workplace.

At, we believe that a diverse and inclusive workplace is a source of strength, innovation, and creativity. We are dedicated to creating an environment where individuals from all backgrounds can contribute their unique perspectives and talents to our collective success. Our diversity policy serves as a compass guiding us toward a workplace that reflects the richness of the world around us and ensures that every voice is heard, valued, and respected.

Date: 01/01/2024

Modern Slavery Policy

At, we are firmly committed to ethical business practices, human rights, and social responsibility. We acknowledge the global issue of modern slavery and human trafficking and recognise our responsibility to ensure that our operations, supply chains, and business activities are free from any form of exploitation or forced labor. This modern slavery policy outlines our commitment to preventing modern slavery in all its forms and upholding the highest ethical standards.

1.1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:

- We commit to complying with all applicable laws and regulations related to modern slavery and human trafficking, including the Modern Slavery Act 2015 in the United Kingdom.

1.2. Zero Tolerance:

- We maintain a zero-tolerance approach towards modern slavery and human trafficking in all our operations and supply chains.

1.3. Risk Assessment:

- We conduct regular risk assessments to identify and mitigate the risk of modern slavery in our business activities, especially in the procurement of materials and services related to blue roofs.

1.4. Due Diligence:

- We engage in due diligence processes to assess and address modern slavery risks within our supply chains, ensuring that our suppliers and contractors share our commitment to ethical practices.

1.5. Supplier Code of Conduct:

- We expect our suppliers and contractors to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which includes explicit provisions against modern slavery and human trafficking.

1.6. Employee Awareness:

- We provide training and awareness programs to our employees to help them recognize and report any potential cases of modern slavery within the company or supply chain.

1.7. Reporting Mechanisms:

- We maintain confidential reporting mechanisms for employees, suppliers, and stakeholders to report any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery.

1.8. Investigation and Remediation:

- In cases where modern slavery is identified, we commit to conducting thorough investigations and implementing corrective actions. We will cooperate with law enforcement authorities as necessary.

1.2.9. Transparency and Accountability:

- We are committed to transparent reporting on our efforts to combat modern slavery in our annual reports and through other appropriate channels.


At, we understand the importance of preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in today's interconnected world. We believe that by implementing this modern slavery policy and upholding the highest ethical standards, we can contribute to a world where every individual is treated with dignity and respect. Our commitment extends to our employees, suppliers, and all stakeholders involved in our business activities, including the production and installation of blue roofs.

Date: 01/01/2024

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